Can't talk. Glyph hacking.

Photo credit: my dad! (January 2016)
Outside Google LA, Dad took this shot unbeknownst to me and then came over and showed it to me and said, "this is you."
That's my dad:

Photo credit: Someone awesome who is married to someone at least as awesome! (January 2016)
Sleevs combine with gloves to make arm-length gloves.
A year ago, dad was in the hospital. For two months. ICU twice -- on life support. One year later, there we are! In LA, where he grew up, seeing things he never thought he'd get to see, thanks to fascinating and delightful friends.
To Mars!

Photo credit: The aforementioned awesome someone's awesome spouse! (January 2016)
Thank you, aforementioned awesome someones! And thank you, dad, for pulling through so we could go on this adventure.
Cut off the sleeves & wear them upside down:

Photo credit: Angela Kleis
Turned the hoodie into a versatile vest & its cuffed sleeves into flared sleevs.
I feel more powerful with flared sleevs -- like I can take on the world! ...or fly away and hide if that's what the situation demands.
With banjo genius (banjenius?) Dan Whitener at the Deering Banjo factory in San Diego:

Photo credit: Jamie Deering. Thanks for the fab tour, Jamie! (April 2016)
Add or subtract sleevs for comfort and/or style.
Manhattan in springtime:

Photo credit: Clay! (14 April 2012)
Stumbled upon this technicolor garden in back in 2012 when I was still playing bass. Ah yes! That was the same trip as the Bass Misunderstanding....
(Short version: turns out if the bassist -- even one playing with a nerdrock songwriter -- asks for a ride back to the hotel after the show and says he wants to jam with you, he almost certainly isn't interested in your bass playing. I realize the only surprising thing about this fact is that it took me by surprise at all, which resulted in some significant embarrassment on both sides. I did offer to take him back to the venue to find himself a less literal lady. He declined and went into the hotel alone.)
Sleevs for everyone!

Photo credit: Sleevs (April 2016)
I gave my friend the sleevs off my arms. (Then I got cold and took them back.)
I had a spare pair in my bag.
Speaks for itself:

Photo credit: Angela Kleis
This happens not infrequently. I actually am flying tomorrow so it's going to happen again shortly. [<-writing 23Apr2016 -- the day I finally uploaded this jawn -- which is not when the photo was taken.]